Thursday, November 8, 2007

in re gault

When we were at the Constituiton center we heard about two court cases dealing with juveniles who were wrongfully acussed. one of the two was Mr. gault his friend came over to use his phone and he calle da lady and was using crude words to the lady Ms. cooke. the officer came to his house while he was on his way to work and arrested him without a probable cause at the time. he spent 6 months at a detention center for boys while if he was an adult he would only have been fined 50 dollars and the most time he would have done was spent 30 days in jail. also recently in 2007 a young girl was accused of posting threating comments on myspace about the vice principle so the officer called her mom and told her he wanted to arrest her daughter. she had to stay at the detention center for three weeks.

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