Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One poet and writer that caught my attention was Sonia Sanchhez. Her work and the accoplishments that she acieved inspired me to acheive my goals.She started writting at an young age. Sonia had many major accomplishments thougrhout her life. Also i believe she still plays a major part in writting still today.

Sonia Sanchez was born in the year 1934 and is still living today. She was raised in Birmingham, Alabama, but moved to Harlem,New York when she was nine years old.Sonia stuttered as a child so it was hard for her to communicate with other people, so she began to write. Her family told her that her writting rhymed and she was writting poetry. Sonia studidied political scince at huter college.When she graduated she studied poetry with Louis Bogan.

Sonia was awarded many awards.One of them were the peace and freedom award from the womens international leauge in 1988.Also another award she recieved was the American Book Award from the before columbus foundation for the book Homegirls in 1985.Sonia Sanchez wrote many books and poems.

Sonia Sanchez means alot to me and made me realize that just because you have a weakness doesnt me you cant over come it. I believe people today still can learn from her because she writes about everything most likely stuff you will go through in the future.She is an inspiration to some people cause she overcomes her obstacles in the way and use them for a stepping stone to do better things.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

at what age should children be able tot ake on a lover

I believe children should be able to take on a lover at any age. Some of the reasons why i think u should be able to is because some of the conflict may be between the two parent. You cant choose who you fall in love with. Girls mature faster than boys.

First because some of the conflict have to do with the parents. What i mean by this is that say if the parents dont like eachother they wouldnt want the kids dating eachother. They dont care about the kids feeling. The arents our going to find the littlest things to break up the couple which is the difference of age.

You cant choose who you fall in love with. Putting a age on who you should be with is wrong. Because you cant choose who the heart wants and falls for its just not that easy.People our going to do it anyway so they mind as well make it no age.

Girls mature faster than boys. In some cases girl mature faster than boys so they our going to be looking for somebody on their level it is not intentional it just happens that way sometimes.But if you cant find nobody your age acting like you going to find somebody who is and if that person happens to be older it should be np priblem.

All in all, i believe there should be no age consent. First is because most of time it is a conflict between the two parents. You cant choose who you fall in love with. In some cases girls mature faster than boys. There shouldnt be no age to take on a lover

Friday, January 4, 2008

I think Huck Finn should be taught in school. The reason for this is because its gives you historical information.The dialouge makes you feel like you was in that time period. Also it shows anti slavery between two characters.
Historical shows you what the mississippi river looks like in 1853.The wood flows through th river and huck picks it up. Pap takes the wood and sells it in town to get money for it." I noticed some pices of limbs and such things floating." "Thinks, I the old man will be glad when he sees this she's worth ten dollars.
Next is dialouge. The way they write makes you feel like you were there in the story. You can really understand the way they talk back then." No sah nuttin Else." "i couldnt git nuffin else." " I come heh de night after you's killed."
Lastly, is anti slavery. Its about a boy huck finn befriends his slave jim. He becomes a "Father" figure to him. It shows how eventhough your different everybody is equal." hello Jim!!" " well I believe you Huck. I-I run off."
You can see that huxk finn is a good book to be tayght in school. It shows historical things. It has great dialouge that makes you feel like you are in the story.Also it shows anti slavery between two characters.