Thursday, November 8, 2007

in re gault

When we were at the Constituiton center we heard about two court cases dealing with juveniles who were wrongfully acussed. one of the two was Mr. gault his friend came over to use his phone and he calle da lady and was using crude words to the lady Ms. cooke. the officer came to his house while he was on his way to work and arrested him without a probable cause at the time. he spent 6 months at a detention center for boys while if he was an adult he would only have been fined 50 dollars and the most time he would have done was spent 30 days in jail. also recently in 2007 a young girl was accused of posting threating comments on myspace about the vice principle so the officer called her mom and told her he wanted to arrest her daughter. she had to stay at the detention center for three weeks.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

id ego superego

“ I want what I want when in want it.” “ You can’t always get what you want you have to do what people expect of you.” “ Stop arguing, you two our right but there is a time and a place for what yall want to happen.”

Our mind is divided into three different personalities. The id, ego, superego. In the cat in the hat each character shares characteristics of the three personalities.
The id does what it wants. It is considered to be selfish. The id can be very demanding at time. It wants what it wants when it wants it. For example I would say thing 1 and 2 were in their id mode because they wanted to run around and play and fly a kite in the house when sally and the narrator told them to stop but they continued to do it not caring.
Next is the ego. The ego sees things in reality and knows it can’t always get what it wants. The ego does exactly what society expects it to do. People consider the ego to be the good of the three. In the cat in the hat the fish does what people expect him to do he tells the kids that the cat shouldn’t be there while the mother is gone and you should tell the cat to leave before she gets back. He’s doing what society expects him to do act like a party pooper.
Lastly, there is the superego. The superego keeps the ego and the id balanced in certain situations. He is the balancer who keeps the “ angel” and the “brat” intact. Some may consider the superego t be the father figure who keeps everything under control. When the cat balances a cup and cake on top of his hat, holds up two books, and then hold up the fish he is balancing out things in a picture form.

Even though having three personalities may become confusing it also has it goods. In the cat in the hat each character experiences the good, bad, and the balanced, which in most cases is good. Each personality comes out when most needed. So don’t confuse the id, ego, and superego.

My two strongest points our my introduction and conclusion and also my voice. When I read my story it seems conversational and it isn’t boring and slow. It has the person who is reading it interested about what is going to happen next. Also my hook, introduction, and conclusion pull people in to read more.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Describe the Photograph

Kids our in front of the roots of a sequioa tree playing in the snow. From analyzing the picture i can conclude that the kids our probably feeling cold but our having fun because they our playing in the snow. The photograph was taken to show kids having fun even in the coldest of situatoons also to show the big tree roots. The photograph isnt really telling a story but you can probably say that the family went somewhere for vacation to see the big trees and the difference in the seasons. Misudersatnding occur because when the time of the year the photo was taken because i thought is was taking in the winter but it was really taken in the spring time. sometimes photographs can distort what really happen because you dont know the full story of what happen that day or where the place the picture is taken at really where you think it is.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

should myspace and youtube be allowed in school ?

i believe that myspace and youtube should be allowed in school. when students our finish all there work and have nothing elese to do they should be able to get on.with that system it will work out for both the students and the teachers.

we should have internet censorship that way when we get on myspace we will be able to know who are the prdators or not. completely baning myspace is wrong because they allow you to get on facebook but they wont let you get on myspace it is basically the samething. but since more people have a myspace thats probably why they banned an as soon as facebook gets through to everybody then there probably gonna ban that too!

which is more important freedom or security ?

I believe that security is more important than freedom because if everybody is free then there will be most likely a lot of crime an stuff would be out of control. Having a free country isn't bad but most people wouldnt be able to handle having no rules.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

my phiosphy of government

i belive that there should be a free country but with some limitations. everybody should be free to do whatever they want. eventhough the country will be free we still need a government for public affairs. Also the government will help with public defense when it is actually needed.