Thursday, May 7, 2009

Of mice and men

Of Mice and Men is filled with a lot of violence that happens over and over. First violent thing that happened was when Candie old dog got shot because Carson thought he was useless. Then Lennie crushes Curley’s hand and breaks it. Then Lennie kills the puppy because he was constantly petting the dog and he killed it. Then Lennie killed Curley’s wife he cracked her neck because she was telling him to stop rubbing her hair cause he was getting to rough. He got mad and cracked her neck. Then George had to kill Lennie before everybody else did.

Of mice and men

Does George really care for Lennie?
I believe George really does care for Lennie, but sometimes Lennie makes him frustrated with the way he acts. George doesn’t like people picking on Lennie that’s why he got offended when Curley tried to mess with Lennie when he first saw him. It seem as though he is like a big brother role model type to Lennie so he does his best to help him out. He also tries to keep him level headed and out of trouble even though Lennie doesn’t go lurking for trouble it always seems to find him.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

of mice and men

·      Who sat in the barn alone and looked at a little dead puppy?

·      A-george

·      B-lennie

·      C-curley

·      D-candie


Where did curley and his wife meet?

a.    River side dance palace

b.   The ranch

c.    Church

d.   The movies



When george and lennie frist got to the ranch why was the boss mad?

a.    They didn’t do their work

b.   They didn’t make their work

c.    They showed up late

d.   Lennie got smart with the boss


What was the nigger name?

a.    John

b.   Stablebuck

c.    Worker

d.   lennie


how many bunk beds was in the bunk house

a.    6

b.   7

c.    8

d.   10