Wednesday, November 26, 2008


NAACP-W.E.B Dubois-

Du Bois's most effective contribution to black America was his writting. As a poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, sociologist, historian, and journalist, he wrote 21 books, edited 15 more, and published over 100 essays and articles.DuBois received many honorary degrees, he was a fellow and life member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Also he was a member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. He was the outstanding African American intellectual of his period in America. Many people see him as an iconic leader.


NAACP W.E.B. Dubois-

Du Bois was also active in pan-African he was concerned with the conditions of people of African descent. In 1900 he attended the First Pan-African Conference held in London.He was elected a vice president and wrote the "Address to the Nations of the World." The Niagara movement included a pan-African department. In 1911 Du Bois attended the First Universal Races Congress in London along with black intellectuals from Africa and the West Indies.


NAACP-W.E.B. Dubois-

In the Crisis, Du Bois directed a constant stream of agitation and sometimes bitter, and sarcastic remarks at white Americans. He educated African Americans on information and how to have pride. The magazine always published young African American writers work.Racial protest during the decade following World War I focused on securing anti-lynching legislation. During this period the NAACP was the leading protest organization and Du Bois its leading figure.


NAACP-W.E.B Dubois-

In 1905 Du Bois was a founder and general secretary of the Niagara movement. Which was an African American protest group of scholars and professionals. Du Bois founded and edited the Moon and the Horizon as organs for the Niagara movement. In 1909 Du Bois was among the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),from 1910 to 1934 he served as its director of publicity and researcher, he was a member of the board of directors and editor of the Crisis.


NAACP-W.E.B Dubois-

In 1896-1897 Du Bois became assistant instructor in sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. There he conducted sociological research study of an urban community,ther in Philadelphia which he later on published as The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study in 1899. These first two works assured Du Bois's place among America's leading scholars.


NAACP- W.E.B. Dubois-

In 1891 Du Bois got his master of arts. 1895 he got his doctorate in history from Harvard.The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870, was published as Number 1 in the Harvard Historical Series. This important work has yet to be topped.In 1896 he married Nina Gomer, and they had two children.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Topic Sentence

W.E.B. Dubois Writing Helped Make a Change for African Americans

W.E.B. Dubois made historic changes with African Americans in the 20th century. W.E.B. Dubois voiced his opinion in books and politics to help African Americans and all unfair treated people gain equally rights as other people. He joined organizations such as the NAACP to get african americans voice more out there an for them to get their rights equalized. I believe that he should be considered a civil rights historic icon because he lead a way for african american to stand up on themselves. He was the first African American to get a PH.D at Harvard University. He wrote books and tried to figure out the cause of segregation through social relations.

Annotation #3

W.E.B. Dubois | Sociologist, Author & Civil Rights Leader-

In this article it talks about how Dubois was one of the most influential black leaders of the first half of the 20 century. Dubois is shared in the NAACP in 1909. He was the editor and director of research if the crisis magazine until 1934. Dubois was the first African American to receive a PH.D from Harvard University in 1897. Between 1896 and 1897 Dubois published 16 research papers. He believed that social problems can provide answers to race problems. Throughout his career he moved steadily over to the political left. He believed equal rights for all races. He became a ghana citizen and joined the communist party.


W.E.B. Du Bois-

In this article it talks about how W.E.B. Du Bois was a smart african american activist. He was a founding member of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Color People). It is one of the largest oldest cvil rights organization in america. He was very into politics he debated about race and history. He was also the editor of The Crisis magazine on race and African American history. He had written 17 books and played a key role reshaping black-white relations in America.

Friday, October 17, 2008


W.E.B. Dubois-

In this article it talks about DuBois achievements as a young boy to him getting older. he was always into education. At age 15 he began to work with the local news paper the New York Globe while he was in hight school. He pushed African Americans by lectures and editorials talking about the need of black people to politicized themselves. DuBois being very smart he wanted to further his education so his family and friends got together to send him to college in Nashville,Tennessee at Fisk College. Later on in life DuBois wrote many books explaining the lives of African Americans for them to have a voice in society.


I choose William Edward Burghardt DuBois for my NHD Project because I am interested in learning about how he told the truths about black people and how he made a change with education.

This person is important to history because without DuBois efforts,his people would not have had a voice.

For this week's research, I found an article at I will read and summarize it for next week so i can find more information about WEB DuBois so i can accelerate my project.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Through my experience through independent hours and service learning i learned a valuable lesson to keep my block and also my neighbor hood clean and pretty every saturday my block an i got together with my block captain heather an planted flowers an clean up the neighborhood we wrote the city so we could get tress n plants on our block in front of our house door so it could look pretty. An with service learning we had to keep a track of the differnt type of trash n stuff on our block and because of our cleaning every saturday it cut down the amount of trash to almost nothing unless when the people have a party on our block but other than that it was clean.One big issue our service learning project looked at was recycling an the difference in it in different neighborhoods. I think if we start locally in our neighborhoods then it can move nationally then hopefully internationally on the importance of keeping your neighbor hood clean and looking pretty.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Last week for service learning we went to the imc an researched information for our product of recyle. We had to find different type of information about what can be recylcled and how much of it is really recycled and thrown away. I found out that for paper to be fecyled it has to be spotless from food an any other substance that can harm it from not being able to get recycled.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Last friday for service learning me nad my recyling group decided to take a trip around the center city area. The reason for us doing this to se how much trash was down here and to compare it to the amount of trash in our neighborhoods. Walking block after block we only found a little amount of trash. The reason for this may be because the claening crew cleans consistently down here to keep trash from off the ground for the torist to havea better first impression of philadelphia. The differnce in the area of the city it sems like the the clean-up crew pays more attention to. Next wek we our expected to bring in information about different recyling materials to find out as much information we can on recyling.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

sevicelearninG४ /१९/08

Last week with service learning we picked different jobs to particpate and take information on different types of trash in philadelphia. My job with shaquetta is to take an count on how much car board and paper is found on the street.Alos we will take an count on specific kinds of the paper product is and what we can do to prevent so much paper from being thrown on the ground. we also made up various questions do do a survey on some of the reasons why people dont recyle and how they feel in general about reclyling peiod.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Last friday april 11 2008 my service learning project with recyling stared off with a good start we spent the period jotting down ideas about how we can save our enviorment soon. one idea that i liked is keeping track of the trash overa weeks period of time then bringing the results back to school. i think as service learning progresses we will find better ways to cuut down the trash in " dirty" philadlphia.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


At first i thought NHD was going to be hard but i realized it was easy i just had to construct my time wisely. My topic for nhd was Richard Allen and the search for equality during colonial times. i choose to do this topic because the idea of richard Allen was bought to me by my sister because she said it dealt with the topic conflict and compromise. I learned alot about this man he was a leader not only for black people but for white people too. I would say the hardest part of my project was finding some primary sources and adding "meat" to my paper so it can be strong enough to make it to cities. I was glad i worked by myself because i was able to put my own little twist to my paper. Next year i would try to start writting my paper sooner that way at the end i wont be rushing to add stuff and make my paper even better. Overall i was satisfied with my paper because i was elected to go to cities.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One poet and writer that caught my attention was Sonia Sanchhez. Her work and the accoplishments that she acieved inspired me to acheive my goals.She started writting at an young age. Sonia had many major accomplishments thougrhout her life. Also i believe she still plays a major part in writting still today.

Sonia Sanchez was born in the year 1934 and is still living today. She was raised in Birmingham, Alabama, but moved to Harlem,New York when she was nine years old.Sonia stuttered as a child so it was hard for her to communicate with other people, so she began to write. Her family told her that her writting rhymed and she was writting poetry. Sonia studidied political scince at huter college.When she graduated she studied poetry with Louis Bogan.

Sonia was awarded many awards.One of them were the peace and freedom award from the womens international leauge in 1988.Also another award she recieved was the American Book Award from the before columbus foundation for the book Homegirls in 1985.Sonia Sanchez wrote many books and poems.

Sonia Sanchez means alot to me and made me realize that just because you have a weakness doesnt me you cant over come it. I believe people today still can learn from her because she writes about everything most likely stuff you will go through in the future.She is an inspiration to some people cause she overcomes her obstacles in the way and use them for a stepping stone to do better things.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

at what age should children be able tot ake on a lover

I believe children should be able to take on a lover at any age. Some of the reasons why i think u should be able to is because some of the conflict may be between the two parent. You cant choose who you fall in love with. Girls mature faster than boys.

First because some of the conflict have to do with the parents. What i mean by this is that say if the parents dont like eachother they wouldnt want the kids dating eachother. They dont care about the kids feeling. The arents our going to find the littlest things to break up the couple which is the difference of age.

You cant choose who you fall in love with. Putting a age on who you should be with is wrong. Because you cant choose who the heart wants and falls for its just not that easy.People our going to do it anyway so they mind as well make it no age.

Girls mature faster than boys. In some cases girl mature faster than boys so they our going to be looking for somebody on their level it is not intentional it just happens that way sometimes.But if you cant find nobody your age acting like you going to find somebody who is and if that person happens to be older it should be np priblem.

All in all, i believe there should be no age consent. First is because most of time it is a conflict between the two parents. You cant choose who you fall in love with. In some cases girls mature faster than boys. There shouldnt be no age to take on a lover

Friday, January 4, 2008

I think Huck Finn should be taught in school. The reason for this is because its gives you historical information.The dialouge makes you feel like you was in that time period. Also it shows anti slavery between two characters.
Historical shows you what the mississippi river looks like in 1853.The wood flows through th river and huck picks it up. Pap takes the wood and sells it in town to get money for it." I noticed some pices of limbs and such things floating." "Thinks, I the old man will be glad when he sees this she's worth ten dollars.
Next is dialouge. The way they write makes you feel like you were there in the story. You can really understand the way they talk back then." No sah nuttin Else." "i couldnt git nuffin else." " I come heh de night after you's killed."
Lastly, is anti slavery. Its about a boy huck finn befriends his slave jim. He becomes a "Father" figure to him. It shows how eventhough your different everybody is equal." hello Jim!!" " well I believe you Huck. I-I run off."
You can see that huxk finn is a good book to be tayght in school. It shows historical things. It has great dialouge that makes you feel like you are in the story.Also it shows anti slavery between two characters.