Monday, January 26, 2009

nhd reflection

During national history day period creating our website project was fun, creative and challenging. The reason for this is because we had to put our creative minds together to make a extravagent project to move on to the next level. Before i became a group with shakeerah and cornelius i was working as an individual on W.E.B. Dubois. I wasnt as into him as i should so wen we worked on nhd in class i tended to stray off my topic and do other things. The first day of work shops me shakeerah and cornelius was in the halls and decided that we wanted to work together as a group we picked to continue on with cornelius project we wanted to day a exhibit since andy warhol was an artist but that was crowded so we went with an website. Being though this was constitutions first year doing website we had to learn how to do stuff on our own an with the help of teachers. We wanted the website to look as though you were in the mind of andy warhol. At the end of our finishing project i believe we accomplished what we set our minds to for the people to believe that they were in andy's world once they was on our website. Moving on to the next level made me believe that all our hard work was worth it. Hopefully we conti ue to move on.